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Engaging Content: How It Brings Value to Your Business

Written by Ashley Lilly | Dec 15, 2020

(last updated May 4, 2022)

If you’ve been asking yourself if engaging content is valuable for your business, the answer is a resounding YES!

Content is still the king of driving traffic toward sales, but content alone isn't going to cut it. It has to be engaging to grab your ideal customers and inspire them to click, view, and stay with your campaigns and your website. 

So, what does it mean to create content that's "engaging?" Let's take a look, shall we?

Define "Engaging"

Engaging content is any type of media (blogs, videos, memes, etc.) that inspires prospects, customers, social media followers, and more to take action.

Your content should have a strong "return on time spent" and spark conversations in your social channels as well as with your sales reps.

With the right approach, you can regularly create content that leaves a strong impression.

The Value of Engaging Content

Consistency in brand messaging is one of the many factors that determine the growth and success of your business.

As markets continue to grow, and more brands see results from digital content that gains momentum for them, traditional advertising will fall behind.

To help you stay ahead of the curve, here are the top 4 ideas for utilizing content to bring another layer of value to your business.

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Strengthen your customer relationships
  • Generate return visits to your website
  • Build SEO

Let's dig in. 

Top 4 Reasons to Create Engaging Content for Your Business

Increase brand awareness

Prospects and buyers want peace of mind in knowing that they're dealing with true experts.

Creating valuable content helps you establish your business as a thought leader in your industry, which builds brand recognition and fosters trust among your customers and leads that lead to sales. 

Strengthen your customer relationships

Business doesn’t end after you've closed the sale. Lead nurturing and helping clients is what the inbound philosophy is all about. And it works.

Making engaging, high-quality content is one of the most effective strategies you can make to boost your business-customer relationships.

Dialing up your content to serve the needs of your ideal customers and clients is the best way we've found to build stronger relationships with your existing customers to enhance retention

It's critical to the success of your business.

Generate return visits to your website (i.e. sales)

How often have you saved a great website in your bookmarks to refer back to later?

We all do.

By providing compelling content that adds value to your website visitor's experience there, you become a trusted resource, which builds credibility, and enhances conversion rates over time. 

Build SEO

Engaging content can also help take your SEO to the next level. The more consistent, high-quality content you produce, the better it'll be for your SEO.

Give Your Content a Growth Experience

Book a Meeting

Creating content is easy, but creating impactful content that has value without faltering in engagement may not be, and we get that. 

That's why Growth works to optimize content for our clients which improves their marketing campaigns, lead conversion, and website traffic.

If you want your audience to take notice and engage with your brand’s content, book a meeting with us! Because, hey! That's what we do.