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How Efficient is Your Website? Our Grader Tool Knows. Ask It.

Written by Growth Marketing Firm | Oct 3, 2021


A website grader is a tool that does exactly what its name suggests: it grades the performance of your 24/7 sales tool (AKA your website)—and guess who has a brand-spanking-new, whizBANG of a grader?


Our new tool, which you can use right this minute (it literally takes less than 15 seconds to get your score), spits out readings about your website that cover:  

  • strength of its security 
  • mobile-responsiveness 
  • SEO, and 
  • overall performance.

And, best of all: it suggests ways to fix it if something’s not scoring well. 

Mobile Responsiveness

If you’re finding that your e-commerce sales are going down, it may be due to your mobile responsiveness.

M-Commerce (mobile commerce) accounts for 31% of all e-commerce in the United States, and if you’re in retail and don’t have a mobile-responsive website, you’re leaving some real money on the table that our website grader could help you find. 


Add to that our grader’s ability to show you how easily search engines find and rank your site. If Google can’t find you, your customers can’t either. 

Remember, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is about creating a helpful, relevant website that assists your customers.

SEO isn’t magic; it’s a consistent practice that creates a positive, user-friendly experience for your specific customers.

But, at the same time, it’s not easy, and it takes a professional strategist (hint: our dev team) to get it done well. 


SEO practices help your prospects and potential customers find you, yes: (only 0.78% of Google searchers clicked on a site that fell on the second page of a Google search). Still, SEO improves their experience and usability once they get there, making them much more likely to buy your product or service. 

Your page needs to load quickly because users are used to quick load times, and their patience will time out faster than the page.

Our grader can check load time and other metrics that highlight room for improvement. 


Of course, protecting your assets that can be accessed through your website is of the utmost importance.

Prevent hackers from planting malicious software that can destroy your site and steal archived and relevant data by ensuring that the security around your site is up to date and working properly. 

If your website isn’t doing its security job, your business is at risk. Our grader not only finds holes in the fence, it tells you what needs to be done to fix any holes for good. 

Try our grader on your website and see how it’s doing its job in real-time.

If you find that the tool gives you information about your site that you need assistance with, our top-notch dev team is trained and ready to help. Book a meeting with us to learn more! No strings attached.